Sunday, 27 December 2015


A thankful heart this Christmas, please.

If I could have but this and this alone, nothing else, I would truly be the richest of people. From a thankful heart such abundance flows. For a thankful heart is the single most Self benefiting and building thing one can possess.

A thankful heart is grateful no matter what. Gratitude is an act before it is even a feeling and the choice to be thankful is made within your heart.

Gratitude is thus in each and every person's grasp... it is resulting not of our circumstance or situation but from our choosing.

It is the sad case that people have become blind to their own access to such gratitude. We've become shaped by the world's decision, by such societal deviations from truth's purity, that we have let ourselves be told what is deserving of gratitude. What we should value in life, what makes a person rich, what we should strive to achieve, own, be. We are constantly fed standards that we begin to apply in our lives.

But you are as rich and as valuable and as blessed as you choose to be.
You choose to be thankful in life, or you choose not to be.

If you just take your focus away from what you're told makes you fortunate or rich in life, be this how many friends you have, how many things you possess, your physical appearance, how many opportunies are open to you... you would find that you are rich in yourself. You are worth being grateful for. 

You are worth it because you have the innate ability to enjoy and experience great pleasure.

Start by being thankful for the littlest things. A colour that you love. A smell that attracts you. Warmth and the feeling of it on your skin. A sound that is beautiful to your ears. A melody that draws you in and comforts you. Be thankful in the knowing that there is no knowledge in this world you are incapable of understanding, in the knowing that every day is a new opportunity to be the best version of yourself that you can imagine.

A simple act, each and every day, of being thankful for such things, the things that please you which you did not make or achieve or determine and nor did anyone else. This kind of gratitude for the things unexplainable that you enjoy, the things so personal to your inner being, is the very root of gratitude in all aspects of life.

No one need tell you, nor could they, what enjoyment you should experience from the feeling of the sun warming your face or why you love to stretch your arm out the window to feel the pouring rain.
You just enjoy. So you see, you are a naturally thankful creature. We all are.

Choosing to be thankful is choosing to be you in your most natural Self.
It is but the letting go of the norms and constructed values of an unhappy, ungrateful and out-of-touch society that will reveal this Self buried within you.

So know that this Christmas time, the very best gift you could possibly receive comes from yourself. Give gratitude this Christmas time and know the endless blessing and joy that forever follows.

-Love from Bambi x


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